Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Why You Should Always Wear Layers When Skiing

Skier Suffers Exposure
Man left dangling upside down, pantsless after Vail lift mishap
JANUARY 6--In a bizarre incident that will surely lead to litigation (or an out-of-court settlement), a skier at Colorado's ritzy Vail resort was left dangling upside down and pantsless from a chairlift last Thursday morning. The January 1 mishap apparently occurred after the male skier, 48, and a child boarded a high-speed lift in Vail's Blue Sky Basin. It appears that the chairlift's fold-down seat was somehow not in the lowered position, which caused the man to partially fall through the resulting gap. His right ski got jammed in the ascending chairlift, and that kept him upended since his boot never dislodged from its binding. As seen in the photos on the following pages (which were snapped by fellow skiers), the Skyline Express lift was stopped shortly after the pair's botched boarding resulted in the man dangling from the lift. The exposed skier was stuck for about 15 minutes before Vail personnel backed the lift up and successfully dislodged the unidentified man from the four-seat chair. In a statement released this afternoon, Vail Resorts, which operates the ski area, reported that the skier was not injured after being "suspended for approximately seven minutes." The press release did not explain how the mishap occurred, only that "the man was caught on the chair." (3 pages)
Mitch finds Plinko on Wikipedia, Big fave with Honest Abe
The game bagatelle evolved from efforts to bring outdoor games, such as croquet and shuffleboard, inside and atop tables. History records the existence of table-based games back to the 15th Century, and a 17th-century table is preserved in the Great Hall at Hatfield House. While some games took the wickets croquet and turned them into the side-rail pockets of modern pocket billiards, some tables became smaller and had the holes placed in strategic areas in the middle of the table.
In France, during the reign of King Louis XIV, someone took a billiard table and narrowed it, placing the pins at one end of the table while making the player shoot balls with a stick or cue from the other end. Pins took too long to reset when knocked down, so the pins eventually became fixed to the table and holes took the place of targets. Players could ricochet the ball off the pins to achieve the harder, higher-scoring holes...."
BIzmark Sunk!...By Plinko!!!!
Equipment: 1. Plinko Board (1800's pin ball table)
2. Pool Ball
3. Pool Cue
Head To Head Game:
Goal: To score the most points per round. Each round consists of one shot per player. The player who scores less points per round drinks. If a player wins three rounds in a row, the other player must finish his or her drink. (If that players drink is less then half full they must first fill their glass)
Play: Each player shoots the pool ball up either side chute of the Plinko board with the pool cue. Player can shoot either one or two handed. The point value that the ball lands on is the player's score for the round.
Scratch: A scratch occurs when a player's shot does not make it out of the side chute of the board. A player must drink when he or she scratches but does not lose the round and may shoot again, until they put the ball in play.
Zero: A zero occurs when a player's shot goes up one side chute, in play around the top of the board and down the opposite side chute. This occurs when the ball is hit too hard. A player must drink when he or she shoots a zero and that player scores scores a zero for the round.
Triple Scratch/Zero: If a player scratches 3 times in a row or scratches 2 times in a row and then hits a zero, that player must finish his or her beer. (If that players drink is less then half full they must first fill their glass)
Stuck Ball on peg: If the ball gets stuck on one of the pegs, both players must take a social drink. The player who made the shot then must hit the stuck ball the cue using only one hane (his/her off hand). The cue must always be touching the top of the front wall throughout the shooting motion. If the ball gets stuck on another peg after already being stuck on one peg, the shooter now drinks alone. If the ball gets stuck on three pegs in one turn then the shooter must finish his or her beer (If that players drink is less then half full they must first fill their glass)
Stuck Ball between slots: If the ball gets stuck between two slots at the bottom of the table their is a water fall. The last person to shoot starts the waterfall, the current shooter cannot stop drinking until the last shooter stops. Then, the current shooter may dislodge the ball by banging the front of the table with the side of a closed fist. The ball will pop out. Wherever the ball lands is the current shooters score for the round
200: If a shooter wins by shooting a 200 then the loser must drink 2 times instead of one
Tie: If the round results in a tie there is a social and then a new round begins. The loser of the next round must drink twice.
Three Players: All of the same rules apply. However, the MIDDLE score for a round wins. Each loser must drink accordingly. A waterfall always end with the current shooter preceded by the shooter before him and so forth and so on.
Teams: Teams of two can compete head-to-head in round play. Each teammate takes one shot successively. The next team then tries to beat the combined score of the first team to shoot. All other rules apply. Teamates always drink together on scratches, zeroes, double pegs etc...Water falls end with the current shooter preceded by their teammate.